About the NDR

The main aims of the national democratic revolution are outlined in the Freedom Charter, which has also been endorsed by the mass democratic movement representing millions of our struggling people. South African Communists consider that the achievement of the aims of the Charter will answer the pressing and immediate needs of the people and lay the indispensable basis for the advance to socialism.
Does the NDR Mean?
- “shortest route to socialism”; (COSATU 9th Congress Resolution)
- “dialectical resolution of the class, gender and national
- contradictions”; (Morogoro)
- “non-capitalist or socialist orientated transition in SA”; (SACP’s
- GS What is the National Democratic Revolution)
- “Management of capitalism and the contradictions that arise
- thereof” (Joel Nethistenhdze and the Draft Strategy and Tactics
- of the ANC);
- “liberation of Africans in particular and blacks in general” (ANC
- Mafikeng Strategy & Tactics);
- “Resolution of national grievance”; (Joel Netshitendzhe)
- “Programme to modernize the economy” (ANC Policy discussion documents)